ropeme 사용하여 ROP 가젯 쉽게 구하기.
파일을 리눅스에 올리고 압축을 풀어주고 들어가면 distorm 이 있는데 그것가지 압축을 풀어준다.
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10# ls
README distorm-1.7.30 distorm-1.7.30.tar.gz ropeme vuln vuln.c
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10#tar -xvf distorm-1.7.30.tar.gz
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10# cd distorm-1.7.30/
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10/distorm-1.7.30# ls
COPYING PKG-INFO cygwin-x86 linux-x86_64 macosx-x86 windows-x86
MANIFEST build linux-x86 macosx-ppc setup.cfg windows-amd64
각 환경에 맞게 설치가 되도록 되어 있다.
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10/distorm-1.7.30# ./ build
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10/distorm-1.7.30# ./ install
설치를 해준뒤 ropeme 폴더로 이동한다.
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10/ropeme# ./
Simple ROP interactive shell: [generate, load, search] gadgets
그리고 취약한 파일을 어셈으로 덤프를 뜨는 명령어를 쓴다.
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10# ls
README distorm-1.7.30 distorm-1.7.30.tar.gz ropeme vuln vuln.c
root@ubuntu:/home/root/ropeme-bhus10# ./ropeme/
Simple ROP interactive shell: [generate, load, search] gadgets
ROPeMe> generate vuln
Generating gadgets for vuln with backward depth=3
It may take few minutes depends on the depth and file size...
Processing code block 1/1
Generated 60 gadgets
Dumping asm gadgets to file: vuln.ggt ...
ROPeMe> search pop ? //? 는 검색문자열의 주소이고
Searching for ROP gadget: pop ? with constraints: []
0x80484b4L: pop ebp ;;
0x8048573L: pop ebp ;;
0x80485d8L: pop ebp ;;
ROPeMe> search pop % //% 는 검색 문자열의 포함 주소이다.
Searching for ROP gadget: pop % with constraints: []
0x8048384L: pop eax ; pop ebx ; leave ;;
0x80485d8L: pop ebp ; ret ; mov ebx [esp] ;;
0x80484b4L: pop ebp ;;
0x8048573L: pop ebp ;;
0x80485d8L: pop ebp ;;
0x8048385L: pop ebx ; leave ;;
0x8048625L: pop ebx ; leave ;;
0x80484b3L: pop ebx ; pop ebp ;;
0x8048608L: pop ebx ; pop ebp ;;
0x8048624L: pop ecx ; pop ebx ; leave ;;
0x80485d7L: pop edi ; pop ebp ;;
0x80485d6L: pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ;;
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